
New domain name for Preloaders Generator


Just obtained new domain name for my small generator of animated gif images. Now it will be awailable using address: preloader.org.

I hope in nearest time to upload the project, add several types of new preloaders, create new outfit and also add new cool features.


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Camera support in Android Firefox


Several days ago, my Android phone asked me manualy update firefox browser. Usually it does not require manual update, but now it did, it was caused presumably because application permissions was changed. As I hoped the change was in camera permissions - if old version was not able to use camera at all because of lack of necessary permissions now when I manually accepted new permission set with camera access it should be possible.

So new version is capable to upload images right from mobile camera. It is working the following way: once you opened the page with upload button, the upload button has small "capture" button near it. If you click the button small preview window will appear with camera capture preview.

To activate new feature you should set up for the tag input[type=file] attribute accept="image/png"

Open this page on your mobile firefox to see this in action: http://maxistar.ru/kitchen/camera.html

It was tested on Motorolla Milestone 2 (Android 2.2)


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