

I have installed GPT4 locally today. Now I understand the reason for the hype that has swept the world today.

It seems we accidentally reinvented a human.

See yourself, according to different estimations, the amount of memory of the human brain ranges from 10^6 to 10^16 bits. This, translated into a programming language, ranges from 122KB to 1136TB. Let's assume that the truth lies somewhere in the middle and is 10^11 bits, which is, 11 Gb.

The size of the model that I downloaded from the Internet in order to run the chat shown in the screenshot weighed about 4 Gb. And this is just one of the many free models available in the app. Some models are much larger. This is the same order as the rough average estimate of the memory capacity of the human brain!

We have created a repository of human experience for the transfer of which from person to person does not need an intermediary in the form of another person! We have learned how to save experience not in the form of books or oral retelling, but in a completely new form - in the form of a knowledge model that can be run on a computer and instantly get an answer to the question posed, and that's cool! We got a brain in a jar that doesn't have the disadvantages of an organic brain that is always connected, always in a good mood and ready to help.

Of course, not everything is so rosy yet, a number of questions arise, for example, how to verify the answers received, how to effectively use such models, I'm not talking about all sorts of questions about how to deal with fighters for ethics, copyrights and other miscellaneous...

Pandora's box is open, it seems to be with us now for a long time ...



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How to disable Wallpaper Carousel in Xiaomy Mi

Recently something was updated automatically in the phone firmware, after which funny pictures with funny facts began to appear on the lock screen instead of the boring image that I put there by purpose. Maybe for someone it's ok, but it wildly pissed me off. One time I already turned off this pornography, but I completely forgot how. Separately, it infuriates that, until you find how to finally turn it off, you will ruin more than one setting and then look for how to turn it back on.

In the end, I found how to turn it off properly - go to Settings, select "Always On Display & Lock Screen", find the "Wallpaper Carousel" section, go there and cut it to hell.

It’s not easy to cut it down just like that right away - at first the application will offer to use your own photos instead of turning off the functionality completely - don’t get be caught in this trap, refuse. Then the application will ask you to give a feedback, what exactly did not you like - we politely answer, or we send it impolitely.

After the above, it turns out that the carousel is still in place! No need to despair! We go to the wallpaper settings and once again set the background image on the phone screen.

Now everything works as it should - the phone has again become quite boring and has turned from a time waster into a smart assistant in life.


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Transferring email messages between imap mailboxes

howto, tools

After moving to a new server, the question arose of how to transfer email message from the old server to the new one. I could not say that there was a lot of useful information, but just in case it never hurts to have copies of archival documents from the past.

So I began to research how to do it. Moving the email folder with mail on the server disk turned out to be not the best option - it did not want to copy all the files, but it was not possible to copy the folders.

I did not find a single useful linux utility, but I came across several paid ones that did not inspire confidence.

As a result, the problem was solved in the most banal way - since both servers were still functioning for me - I simply selected the folders in Thunderbird that needed to be transferred to the new server and dragged them to the new account! It's that simple!

Everything went well! This was the last step I needed to complete the move process, now the old server can be safely paid off without paying twice as much for hosting!

By the way, I highly recommend linode - I have been using this hosting provider for many years and I like everything with them! For five dollars a month, you will get a full-fledged virtual dedicated server for your projects, with 1 GB of RAM and 32 GB of disk space, it is enough for a small pet project.


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How to install Git on Android phone

Questioned myself, is it possible to create git repository on android phone, edit project files on android phone and then push these to remote repository? Appeared that it is possible and works really well!

In order to do that I have installed Termux, Termux:Api, Termux:Widget. It is important to install all three apps from one market - they exist in F-Droid и Android Play Market but the last one in Android Play costs $2 but in F-Droid - it is free.

Run Termux and install all necessary packages, allow access to file system:

pkg install git openssh termux-api

Create project folder:

mkdir /storage/emulated/0/Documents/work
cd /storage/emulated/0/Documents/work
git init
git remote add origin git@github.com:username/reponame.git
git config --global user.email "your@email.com"
git config --global user.name "Max"
nano readme.md
git add readme.md
git commit -am"first commit"
#create keys pair:
cat /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
#copy the public key into the remote folder.

Creating folder with startup scripts:

mkdir -p $HOME/.shortcuts
mkdir -p /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.shortcuts/tasks
cd /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.shortcuts/
nano ./push.sh 
chmod +x push.sh

push.sh looks like this:

cd /storage/emulated/0/Documents/work
git add *
git commit -am"autocommit"
git push origin master
termux-toast "Changes successfully pushed" 

Create pull.sh:

cd /storage/emulated/0/Documents/work
git pull origin master
termux-toast "Changes successfully pulled"

Add the widget on our screen and use it to trigger pull и push scripts from there!

Now I can push and pull changes from my phone screen!


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Interactive Vim Tutorial

Found very simple Interactive Vim Tutorial. If you want to grab some Vim magic - really recommend it.


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