A one Hundred Stars
Today, when I logged into GitHub, I noticed that someone had given my project "Simple Text Editor" another star. Although the project is simple and not very well-written, people seem to like it for some reason. I also like this project, and that's a good sign. The project's bug tracker is full of tickets about what can be improved, which means I've decided on the direction of work for the near future: I will be improving and developing it. If anyone else wants to help me with this, I would be very happy!
The team which is developing the TON cryptocurrency offered everyone to make a network status page as a contest. I took part in this contest and got tons of fun.
Since the topic is very interesting to me, I thought, why not? At the very least, there will be motivation to figure out how it all works and what it consists of.
I did not have time to do everything planned, but more or less a working prototype turned out. Here you can check out the demo of the project.
The data is collected on a home server where a lightweight client of the TON network is assembled, which requests data about the system and puts it in the InfluxDB database. The server part written in nodejs reads the prepared data and shows the data in the browser by the client to react.
The code is posted on github.
How to build custom Alexa Skill
Tried out creating custom Alexa Skill. There is a great tutorial for doing that.
Good thing that it works immediately on my mobile device so it is not required to publish it if you build something for fun!
One thing did not work well for me - I can not access and delete stored information in the S3 Bucket that is used to store my birthday, therefore I can not run an application more than once. Lets see if the issue will be fixed or I have to ask support to help me out.
The voice assistans with time will be very popular - such devices are very cheap now but I would use them with caution - there are still many problems and skills are very basic yet.
How to install Git on Android phone
Questioned myself, is it possible to create git repository on android phone, edit project files on android phone and then push these to remote repository? Appeared that it is possible and works really well!
In order to do that I have installed Termux, Termux:Api, Termux:Widget. It is important to install all three apps from one market - they exist in F-Droid и Android Play Market but the last one in Android Play costs $2 but in F-Droid - it is free.
Run Termux and install all necessary packages, allow access to file system:
pkg install git openssh termux-api
Create project folder:
mkdir /storage/emulated/0/Documents/work
cd /storage/emulated/0/Documents/work
git init
git remote add origin git@github.com:username/reponame.git
git config --global user.email "your@email.com"
git config --global user.name "Max"
nano readme.md
git add readme.md
git commit -am"first commit"
#create keys pair:
cat /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
#copy the public key into the remote folder.
Creating folder with startup scripts:
mkdir -p $HOME/.shortcuts
mkdir -p /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.shortcuts/tasks
cd /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.shortcuts/
nano ./push.sh
chmod +x push.sh
push.sh looks like this:
cd /storage/emulated/0/Documents/work
git add *
git commit -am"autocommit"
git push origin master
termux-toast "Changes successfully pushed"
Create pull.sh:
cd /storage/emulated/0/Documents/work
git pull origin master
termux-toast "Changes successfully pulled"
Add the widget on our screen and use it to trigger pull и push scripts from there!
Now I can push and pull changes from my phone screen!